
Dragon naturally speaking 14
Dragon naturally speaking 14

Don’t forget that Nuance also have a 30 day return policy, so if a new version does come out you could always get your money back or request an upgrade. If you are not desperate to purchase anything in the next couple of months then it may be worth hanging on but, again, it is just as likely version 16 won’t appear.

dragon naturally speaking 14 dragon naturally speaking 14

I would argue that since updates have now stalled, a new version could be imminent but this is mere guesswork. This contains some important stability updates including full Office 365 compatibility that really should have made it to DPI. Updates seem to have stalled at 15.3 Professional Individual while the Group version is on 15.5 now. New releases normally happen in August or September but since the last version came out in 2016, version 16 is years overdue. Nuance always used to release new versions on a roughly annual update cycle that all stopped with version 15. This means the Dragon NaturallySpeaking name will finally bite the dust after 21 years – no bad thing, given the confusion the different names for these similar products can cause.

dragon naturally speaking 14

Nuance’s reference to “the new, simplified configuration of Dragon desktop solutions” signifies that the Dragon Professional Individual branding will remain consistent across both the PC and Mac products. This could make sense, as version 15 is currently very stable and has recently received a welcome update. Interestingly, they mention the offer is valid until Octo– it’s around this time of year that I would have expected a whole new version of Dragon to appear, so maybe they are holding off for another year. The company has been offering steep discounts on an upgrade to 15 Professional Individual to customers using 13 Premium via email or the built-in Update Manager. operating system patches) could potentially cause the solutions to stop functioning or function in an unintended manner.” Additionally, patches or upgrades that individual consumers or organizations apply to computers running these solutions (e.g.

dragon naturally speaking 14

However, Nuance will no longer provide support or updates for the solution after January 1, 2019. Because customers purchasing Dragon Premium 13 own a perpetual license to the solution, they may continue using it. With the new, simplified configuration of Dragon desktop solutions, Dragon Premium 13 will be discontinued and withdrawn from the market. I’ve also heard some anecdotal rumblings from several users that 13 Premium has had some reliability issues following some recent Windows 10 updates. For a product that was released in 2014 and has been updated twice since (to Professional Individual versions 14 and 15), that’s no big surprise however, it continues to be sold online so unless you have a very specific need for it, nobody should buy a new copy now. Nuance is officially dropping support for Dragon 13 Premium in the New Year. “They can pry my copy of Dragon 13 Premium from my cold, dead hands.” (Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unplash)

Dragon naturally speaking 14